A field of yellow flowers, visited by candidates from INOGOV.

Four candidates have been awarded funding to complete INOGOV visiting fellowships (Short Term Scientific Missions), each will report their findings during the annual meeting in June:

  • Jonas Schoenefeld (University of East Anglia) will be working on ‘Climate policy evaluation in the EU: exploring the inner workings of the Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism’, while visiting SYKE in Helsinki;
  • Lena Partzsch (University of Freiburg) will be working on ‘Policy entrepreneurship and ‘power with’ to scale-up innovations’, while visiting VU University Amsterdam;
  • Nicole Schmidt (University of Heidelberg) will be working on ‘Climate, clusters, cooperation: Israel’s entrepreneurial spirit and leadership in innovation – a role model for businesses and policy makers?’, while visiting Wageningen University;
  • Oscar Widerberg (VU Amsterdam) will be working on ‘Assessing data availability and gaps for climate governance research’, while visiting Lund University.

Photo credit: Barnyz/Flickr