Director: Dave Huitema / Co-Director: Andy Jordan

Working Group 4 is synthesizing the findings of all the work across INOGOV, translating them into usable findings, building new knowledge relationships with academics and practitioners, and building fresh research capacities by running summer schools.

It is doing so by: identifying and condensing coherent overall messages; translating them into publications and content for summer schools; building bridges across scientific communities and disciplines, and between academics and practitioners; identifying remaining gaps in knowledge; developing funding proposals for new collaborative projects to address them.

In the first year, WG4 has supported a number of lines of inquiry and networking, including:

  1. Producing a synthesis paper in Nature Climate Change, the highest ranked journal in the field. It aims to establish a set of common concepts around which new interaction between communities can be built, e.g. covering: transitions management, transnational governance; policy evaluation; international relations; private governance.
  2. Publishing two special issues on policy innovation in the journals Environmental Politics and Global Environmental Change.
  3. Hosting keynote panel sessions at important international conferences connected to the Earth System Governance network and COP21 in Paris.
  4. Convening an annual “New Advances” meeting in Prague, with keynotes by Frans Berkhout, the Executive Director of Future Earth, and Liliana Andonova.
  5. Overseeing the development and expansion of the Action’s dedicated early career network – ECIN.
  6. Establishing a blog and policy brief series.

In year 2, WG 4 will:

  1. Convene another “New Advances” meeting in Bratislava, with keynotes by Marco Jansen and Victor Galaz.
  2. Plan for two summer schools later on in the Action and prepare a MOOC on Innovations in Climate Governance.
  3. Prepare plans for an open access edited book which will draw together the main findings of the Action and be used to teach the summer schools.


Photo credit: oliveoligarchy/Flickr