The planet has a fever! Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris?
Early Career Researchers from the INOGOV ECIN network and others convened a workshop on “Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris:...
Early Career Researchers from the INOGOV ECIN network and others convened a workshop on “Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris:...
Call for Papers Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris: Expectations, Challenges and Pathways Junior Researcher Conference at the Freiburg Institute...
Jesse Reynolds, Utrecht University It is well known that the Paris Agreement aims to keep global warming to within...
Jonas Schoenefeld & Andy Jordan, University of East Anglia What is needed to make the Paris Agreement a success?...
Call for papers for a fully funded research workshop: Climate governance innovation trends in the run-up to Paris 2015:...
Jonas Schoenefeld (University of East Anglia), Mikael Hildén (SYKE), Andy Jordan (University of East Anglia) As the 22nd session...
Call for abstracts for a fully funded workshop: Climate Governance after Paris: Exploring the links between intergovernmental, transnational and...
Paul Tobin (University of York) Actors at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) share more in...
Pawel Pustelnik (Cardiff University) and Nicole Schmidt (University of Heidelberg) The Paris Agreement opens a whole new chapter in...
Jonas Schoenefeld (Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia) Dr Paula Kivimaa (Science Policy Research Unit,...