Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
Brings together scientists, economists, engineers and social scientists who are working to develop sustainable responses to climate change. The Tyndall Centre works not just within the research community, but also with business leaders, policy advisors, the media and the general public.
For more information see: www.tyndall.ac.uk
TRAC3 Tracking Research in Adaptation to Climate Change Consortium
TRAC3 was created to facilitate new and innovative research that improves our understanding of adaptation to climate change around the world. Here you will find information about our current projects and can access publications from our associates.
For more information see: www.trac3.ca
Environmental Europe – analysing policy and practice
Hosted by three active PhD researchers at the University of East Anglia, this blog regularly features articles about ongoing environmental and climate policy developments in the EU. For regular blog updates follow @EnvEurope on Twitter.
For more information see: http://environmentaleurope.ideasoneurope.eu/
Global Policy Journal
Global Policy is an innovative and interdisciplinary journal bringing together world class academics and leading practitioners to analyse both public and private solutions to global problems and issues.
For more information see: www.globalpolicyjournal.com