Description of Work (‘Memorandum of Understanding’)

The full description of work for INOGOV can be found here: 



The COST H2020 Vademecum details all administrative and financial rules with respect to the management and implementation of COST Actions and associated activities. This document can be found here:


COST rules on funding

With some exceptions, INOGOV is able to fund researchers and other knowledge users (e.g. policy makers, NGOs, businesses) who primarily reside in one of the 28 countries that have joined the Action. Reasonable travel expenses can be claimed (economy flight tickets up to 1200 Euros) when attending meetings. The cost of taxis cannot be reimbursed, however, except in exceptional circumstances. Hotel costs and meals are reimbursed at flat rates (120 Euros per night and up to 40 Euros per day respectively). All claims and reimbursement are made through a dedicated web portal – ‘e-COST’. Claimants are strongly advised to consult the relevant COST rules (see Resources: Vademacum) before making travel plans.