We are so pleased to announce the publication of another Cambridge University Press edited book, with funding and support from INOGOV. Edited by: Bruno Turnheim, King’s College London; Paula Kivimaa, University of Sussex & Frans Berkhout, King’s College London

After the perceived failure of global approaches to tackling climate change, enthusiasm for local climate initiatives has blossomed world-wide, suggesting a more experimental approach to climate governance. Innovating Climate Governance: Moving Beyond Experiments looks critically at climate governance experimentation, focusing on how experimental outcomes become embedded in practices, rules and norms. Policy which encourages local action on climate change, rather than global burden-sharing, suggests a radically different approach to tackling climate issues. This book reflects on what climate governance experiments achieve, as well as what happens after and beyond these experiments. A bottom-up, polycentric approach is analyzed, exploring the outcomes of climate experiments and how they can have broader, transformative effects in society. Contributions offer a wide range of approaches and cover more than fifty empirical cases internationally, making this an ideal resource for academics and practitioners involved in studying, developing and evaluating climate governance.

Read more or buy the book here

Listen to the podcast about the book with Franks Berkhout here

Read our INOGOV blog about the workshop that led to this publication here and the book launch blog here

Photo credit: Flickr/bubbles

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