Propose a workshop
As a COST Action, INOGOV aims to respond flexibly to new research needs. If you are based in one of INOGOV’s 26 participating countries and would like to propose to run a workshop that addresses its core aims and objectives, please contact us.
Undertake a Visiting Fellowship (Short Term Scientific Missions)
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are aimed at strengthening existing and fostering new collaborations. They do so by providing researchers with funds to visit an institution in another COST country, e.g. to learn new methods, share data and/or engage in collaborative projects. If you would like more information about STSMs, and how to apply for them, please contact us. The next deadline for submissions will be announced shortly.
Attend a summer school
Summer training schools will run in 2016 and 2017 and will showcase the outputs of the four WGs. Please contact us if you would like further information.
Disseminate your work
Funds are available to aid in the dissemination of research that addresses INOGOV’s aims and objectives (e.g. through paying for journal articles to be made Open Access). For more information please contact us.