INOGOV – Innovations in Climate Governance – a COST-funded Action
Call for tenders for a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on ‘Governing climate change’
Deadline for submissions 5pm GMT, 4th October 2016
INOGOV is an international network of excellence dedicated to understanding policy and governance innovation for climate change. With 28 member countries, it draws together scholars and practitioners who focus on particular aspects of climate change policy and governance innovation. The content of the MOOC will closely reflect the research expertise of the INOGOV Network.
The MOOC will focus on the emergence of ‘new’ and dynamic forms of governing around the UN Climate Convention, producing a much more complex, multi-centred or polycentric climate pattern. The MOOC will explain how and why these newer forms of governing climate change are emerging and how they interact and/or link with one another. Moreover, it will explore whether or not these innovations will be sufficient to decarbonise society sufficiently fast enough, or enable society to adapt to the impacts of climate change. The MOOC will address these questions from a plurality of theoretical and methodological perspectives.
Further details about INOGOV can be found here:
Interested bidders should click on this link to download the tender document:
Photo credit: Flickr/Tore Bustad