To celebrate the very best work done on climate policy and governance in the network, INOGOV will be awarding two Best Paper Prizes in 2018.
Please nominate one of your own articles or one authored by a colleague (only one nomination per person). The article must report on cutting-edge science and advance the strategic goals and themes of the INOGOV Action (for details see our ‘About’ pages).
Two prizes will be awarded this year:
- One for an article published (paper or online) or ‘in press’ 2017-2018
- One for an article published during the course of the Action (2014-2018)
Each winner will receive up to 2000 EUR of funding to make their article permanently Gold Open Access so that it can be much more widely read and cited.
The competition is open to any article meeting these criteria, but priority will be given to those that address the following COST goals, namely:
- Result from INOGOV funded activities (workshops, visiting fellowships etc.)
- Are authored by early career researchers (within 8 years of PhD)
- The authors are from COST Inclusiveness Target Countries (see COST website for a list of eligible countries)
The winner will be funded to attend the INOGOV’s Final Meeting in Brussels on 15 March 2018 and to collect their prize in person.
By 15 February 2018, please email articles for consideration (together with a short explanation of how it meets the selection criteria) to: Clare Shelton (Network Manager) at
Image: Flickr/Brian McHugh