A chalkboard with the word innovation written on it.

Sources (WG1)

Director: Elin Lerum Boasson / Co-Director: Dave Huitema WG1 focuses on the invention, initiation and emergence of new forms of policy and governance, resulting from the activities of policy entrepreneurs, innovative businesses and/or ‘leader’ states. It...

A goldfish jumping out of a fish bowl.

Patterns and Processes (WG2)

Director: Jale Tosun / Co-Director: Andy Jordan WG2 analyses the diffusion, upscaling and adoption of new elements, through processes of lesson drawing, transfer and emulation.  It investigates: how and why some policies or elements thereof diffuse...

A blurry image of colorful lights.

Effects (WG3)

Director: Mikael Hildén / Co-Director: Dave Huitema Working group 3 is assessing the effects of policy and governance innovations. It is examining the consequences – both intended and unintended – of policy innovations, to investigate how ‘new’...

A close-up synthesis of a leaf against a blue sky.

Synthesis (WG4)

Director: Dave Huitema / Co-Director: Andy Jordan Working Group 4 is synthesizing the findings of all the work across INOGOV, translating them into usable findings, building new knowledge relationships with academics and practitioners, and building fresh...