Set against scientific predictions, current international responses to climate change are widely perceived to be inadequate. There is a growing perception, that many mitigation and adaptation measures have been taken outside the international regime. In this sense governance has become considerably more polycentric, with pockets of dynamism especially evident at the national and subnational levels, but also in the so called transnational sphere. However, there is far less agreement on if and how these innovations can be scaled up, if and indeed how they should be coordinated, and where the necessary leadership to achieve this might originate. To address these gaps, INOGOV:
- Identifies ways in which innovative forms of policy and governance for climate change have been stimulated and diffused across time, space and different modes and levels of governing
- Builds a stronger evaluation capacity to assess their actual and intended effects and impacts
- Shares usable knowledge with network participants to reach a fuller appreciation of what it means to govern climate change more innovatively
It draws together scholars and practitioners within and outside Europe who focus on particular aspects of policy and governance innovation, namely their: ‘sources’; ‘diffusion’; and ‘effects’. By using the full suite of COST networking instruments to explore the inter-relationships between these topics, it is extracting greater value from previous research investments.
There are currently 28 countries signed up to the INOGOV Action, and the INOGOV mailing list currently has c.800 members. Subscribe to the mailing list here.